Key Management Software
© 2011-2018, Aidex GmbH.
Print Forms

You can customize issuance receipts and the issuance overview in the Key Organizer. For this you can use templates in Word (.DOC), RTF or HTML format.

By default, the Key Organizer uses “Rich Text Files” (RTF) as templates for the printing of issuance receipts. These templates are stored in the “Templates” folder.

You can determine the storage location for each form individually by selecting Edit > Configure printouts in the program menu.

You can adjust these files to your requirements. The texts include variables (see table below). While printing, the program replaces these variables automatically with the relevant data.

Printing issuance receipts with HTML-files

As of version 06/2009, the Key Organizer supports HTML format. This is not a typical print format, but it offers you the possibility of printing tables. Therefore, the Key Organizer uses HTML for the issuance overview (see index card “Employees”). You can also insert graphics, e.g. a logo, in HTML, which unfortunately is not possible with RTF-files in the program.

Edit HTML templates: In the main menu, select Extra windows > Form editor > HTML. Open an HTML file or enter a new text. You can also use the “copy & paste” function to copy the content of an already existing RTF file to the HTML editor.

To insert a graphic, use the right mouse button and click “Insert image”. For complex designs, we recommend you use an external HTML editor. Should you have any further questions, we will be very happy to help in any way we can.

Print issuance receipts with RTF-files

The freedom of design of RTF-files in the Key Organizer is limited. It is therefore not possible to use tables or graphics when printing receipts using RTF-files. If Microsoft® Word is available at all your Key Organizer workstations, you can open the RTF-files in Word and save them as .DOC to use tables and graphics.

In order to edit RTF-files, either use Windows® Wordpad or the editor in the Key Organizer under Extra windows > Form editor > RTF.
Make sure the Editing mode in the Edit menu is active.

Print issuance receipts with Word documents

Word offers you the possibility of defining the design of your receipts by yourself. As a technical requirement, your PC needs to have the word-processing program Microsoft® Word 2000 or newer versions (e.g. Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003 or 2007) installed.

Activate the “Print Preview” option in the Key Organizer to display a print preview of your Word document in Microsoft® Word. In this case, please also use the print function of Word to print your document.

Repeat printing process

When changing templates, you often need to print a receipt several times to test the new template. For this, choose the index card “Keys” and right-click an entry in the bottom right area of the list of key holders. The program displays a pop-up menu with the function “Print receipt”.
  Wildcards in print templates

You can use the following variables in your RTF- or Word- documents. Most of these wildcards are already included in the provided RTF-templates. Note: Please adhere to the exact spelling and make sure that there is no space between the text and the flanking hashes. You do not need to use all wildcards. For example you may not need System or Notes.

#Key#Name of the issued or returned key
#System#Key system the key belongs to
#Notes1#Display of the key master data's notes field. The multiline note field is displayed as one combined line.
#Notes2#Note entered in the handing over form when the key was issued or returned
#Date#Date of issuance or return of the key
#User#Logged-in user who handed over the key
#Person#Key recipient (key holder)
#PersonDept#Field "Department" of key holder
#PersonNumber# Field "Number" of key holder
#PersonAddress#Address of key holder
#PersonPhone#Phone number of key holder
#PersonEmail#E-mail address of key holder
#KeyCount#Number of keys
#KeyType#Type of key
#LockNumber#Lock number of the key
#Doors#Multiline listing of doors that can be locked with the key
#Cabinet#Key cabinet of the key
#Hook#Hook number in the key cabinet
#ActionVerb#Type of transaction
#SeqNumber#Sequential number of receipts / documents
#Subscriber#Database client
#Branch#Branch number of client
#KeyTable#Displays table of issued keys in issuance overview
